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NCA Students


Please read the >2024-2025 NCS STEWARDSHIP LETTER from our administration outlining information and requirements regarding family stewardship.

Providing an education is an expensive endeavor, and the costs of operating Northwest Christian Schools are not fully covered by tuition. Our school board, however, is committed to keeping tuition costs as low as possible. Therefore, we rely on your generosity—both time and financial support for specific projects and fundraisers—to help keep tuition down. Parent involvement over several years can save the school thousands of dollars.

To enable parents to be involved, we have developed the Family Stewardship Program for organizing help, keeping tuition costs down, and building relationships with families. Each family will be expected to fulfill 20 hours of stewardship commitment for each school year. Additional hours of service are, of course, accepted with enthusiasm and greatly appreciated. Details of the program can be found in our parent-student handbooks.




Northwest Christian High School
Speech & Debate Team Tournament Help

The high school speech and debate team are in need of judges and help with getting students in rooms. Some of it can be done virtually and Mrs. Hoopes can train you on what to do.

  • March 7-8, they have need for food donations, in person help and judges from Fri. 5-9p , and Sat. 8a-6p

Please call the high school office if interested in helping any of these dates.


We could use your help for the upcoming Auction.

Pleasee see the Sign-up Genius for ways you can volunteer by donating: Gift Cards, Items, Time and more. This list will be updated periodically.

Questions: email


Athletics are always looking for volunteers during the school year:

  • NCHS Concessions (volunteers for high school concessions will need to get a food handlers permit; contact the NCHS office if interested)
  • Van Drivers
  • NCA Basketball Clock, books and consessions for 2/6, 2/18, 2/25, 2/27, 3/4 from 3:30-4:30pm
  • NCHS signup volunteer form this link is updated frequently with new volunteer positions (if there are no sign-ups available keep checking as more will be added when they come available)

If interested: email or

You do not have to have a student in sports to volunteer. All volunteer hours count towards your family stewardship hours. 


NCS Family Stewardship Interest Form

This form communicates interest only and does not obligate you to any specific activity.

Required Volunteer Forms

How to Submit Family Stewardship Hours

To submit Family Stewardship Hours for the 2023-2024 school year, between June 2023 and June 5, 2024, click on the button, below, which will take you to log in to your FACTS Family Portal account.

    • Log in to your Family Portal
    • Go to:
      • “Family”
      • “Family Home”
    • Under “Service Hours,” select the correct family member and add service hours
    • Enter the date hours were completed, number of hours, description and name of the NCS Staff for the “Verified by” field

Please do not submit hours until the hours have been completed (no pre-dating).

You may view the total hours submitted for each family member at any time prior to the end of the school year. After the last day of school, hours will be credited and cleared.

You may download and print the NCS Family Stewardship Tracker (pdf) to help you track hours for inputting. This form is for your records only – do not turn it in.